Dashboard showing incoming part request details for supply crib

220 Supply Crib Automation

Automate the part request process for the 220 Crib and provide an approval process for module leaders to review requests.

Results: $750,000 in savings

Project duration: April 2024 – June 2024


Anyone can submit a 220 Supply Crib part request for consumableswithout review and thousands of dollars are lost in duplicate or unnecessary orders. 


Design a tool allowing operators or manufacturing engineers to easily submit part requests and an approval process for module leaders and business unit leaders. Create an incoming queue for crib attendants to update order statuses and track incoming requests.


Operators and manufacturing engineers will use the tool to submit part requests.

Module leaders and business unit leaders will use the tool to monitor and approve incoming part requests, and ensure their departments have all necessary parts to run production.


Whiteboard session displaying lists of sticky notes determining must, could and should features for project

Early Iterations

Early iteration of part request page
Early iteration of module leader dashboard
Early iteration of crib attendant dashboard


After presenting initial wireframes to the team, it was decided there was a need to place orders with multiple parts.

Module leaders and business unit leaders also need to view order metrics to manage their budgets.

High Fidelity Mockups

220 supply crib part request cart order
220 supply crib part request cart order
Module Leader dashboard displaying incoming part requests to approve
Module Leader dashboard displaying incoming part requests to approve with order details
Module Leader dashboard insights
Beginning of part request process with empty cart